Floral Print Hijab ~ English Mode ON

Salam. Here's my 1st floral print hijab... Not bad at all, right? Now that I'm approaching 40's in a few more years, I'm very much into floral themes. Hence, English mode has now been officially turned ON. ^_^ Even found myself arranging flowers in vase and mom was amazed! The closest I've got to flowers was drying them in albums each time I got a bouquet from anybody or somebody, for that matter back then. And now, I've got this urge to grow plants and flowers ~ GARDENING, darlings! But come to think of it, I've got a number of similar prints for my kurungs, especially from China and Italian Silk materials. But hijab, this was The First One. And I loved what I saw. Hope you do too. That's all. Thanks for coming, dear readers, appreciate it very much. Catch you later. Bye for now. Much Love, Nai @ TPJ.