The Legacy
Assalamu'alaikum. People all around the world tend to marvel at and adjust to the fact that the Balinese since time immemorial have prepared the young generation for their various religious ceremonies all year round. I mean, look at the following picture of a woman holding his little boy's hand after a ritual prayer of the Galungan & Kuningan Festival. The cute boy was clad in the white traditional outfit and appeared to be very much used to wearing such thing and going to such ceremony. He will grow up just like his ancestors, exposing to and preparing his own children for the same route, the same way of life. What I find amazing about them is the fact that they breathe their religion exactly the same way they breathe the air. Naturally, it seems. And they are actually at peace with little things that they have. They are very much less complex than most of us or even most of other Indonesians, which is remarkably fantastic in this 21st century. So much so that they ...