Under The Blazing Sun

Assalamu'alaikum. Yesterday was a tiring day, especially for someone with fever and dry cough (Read: the very me, this blog owner). I travelled to Malacca for a site visit with two lady clients and of course I wasn't the one who drove but I couldn't sleep either throughout the journey to and fro. There were so much things to talk about apparently, eventhough I mostly became one active listener, for that matter. Thank God I had managed to get a massage the day before for a fat two hours, or else I wouldn't have had any energy to even join them in the first place. Anyways, here are some pictures taken at the site for your viewing: Sporty car there my client has, what an adventurous lady! The site: 4 acre agricultural land with lemongrass currently soiled. I hope everything would go as smooth as possible for my clients, both of them deserve the very best in this world of lies. As for me, life goes on.. Fever or not. Coughing o...