Good BBQ Grill Hunting In Melbourne : Review on Breville.

Assalamu'alaikum. Apart from meeting my BFF and Junior's wish lists of seeing kangaroos and being with his BFF, I went to Melbourne this time with 3 places in mind: Bunnings Warehouse, Good Guys Appliances and Victoria Market. Direct Factory Outlets were not even in the list! (LIAR!!!) ^_^ Well, half truth indeed - at least not within the paramount budget(s), not to mention limited, but of course. I had 2 things in mind since my 1st visit almost 2 years ago, namely 1) BBQ Grill Set; and 2) Coffee [Espresso] Machine. There you go, I said it. Yes, I had set my goal to get them. And yes, I went and got them right on. Nothing could stop me. Absolutely nothing. Hahahha. But on serious note, I thank Allah for making that happen.. For granting me mysterious and sometimes surprising ways of getting RIZQ to make it happen in the first place. Of all my sins and weaknesses I must have done something good to deserve such golden opportunities. Alhamdulillah. So, here...