Speckyme, Mummy..!

Assalamu'alaikum. Junior is now a specky himself. Oh My...! And he really likes it, well at least for now. He chose his own frame, which appeared to be very 'grown-up' in the first place, as opposed to my optometrist's and my suggestions. I let him choose what he wanted, as usual but personally I couldn't say I didn't like what he chose. Looks nice on him! Judging from his power prescription, his eyesight has suffered for quite some time but he had been hiding it from us. He started to tell me that he couldn't see what the teachers wrote on the white-board last week only when he had swapped place in the classroom with another boy with poor vision. I guess if he still occupies his usual table at the front row, even he wouldn't know about his poor vision, let alone his mummy! I started to wear glasses at thirteen and my boy at TEN! As I was feeling low and troubled, there was another kid at the optician with his mom and he turned out t...