Assalamu'alaikum. It's Friday already, could hardly believe it! How time flies, seems like we just began the week yesterday and here we are wishing each other Juma'ah Barakah. These days of late I have been juggling with the clock, literally and technically speaking. One of the obvious facts known mostly to those around me, especially when I tend to show up with my hoodies and no lipsticks on. Let's do a quick sum up of the week now, shall we? Oh, by the way, I'm free now after Asar prayer and about to call it the day. Here's me earlier today before lunch: And I guess I'd better do some flashbacks, dear friends. Ok, so it started with pink guava hoodie on Monday, which evidently wasn't a fun day looking at the picture, right? Near gloomy, I'd say. LOL. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was quite okay and I appeared with lipsticks on, mostly because I had to attend appointments so who wanna see a gloomy counsel, right? However, I do...