Bokitta and Blurry Minds

Assalamu’alaikum. Hi there again, you guys! It’s been more than 3 years since I last visited any Bokitta outlets, mostly due to covid-19, I would say. Loads of existing new ones prior to the pandemic that I haven’t really worn, I mean where to go? Not that I picked a Bokitta to cover my hair each time I cooked, if you know what I mean. And last time I checked, there are more than 8 plain Bokitta hijabs I have in store, out of which only a few ones I took out to play. The rest I even queried myself, when did I buy that? (Which makes me wonder) if the virus had actually bitten my memories as well, apart from the lungs? Anyhow, two days before departing to my in-laws for eid holiday, I went to KL East Mall for a designated (single) purpose. The mission was duly accomplished but I found myself thinking of my late mom so bad that I had to wipe the tears off with cold water in the toilet, generously splashed over my face. By then zuhur’s notification had already appeared on ...