New Clerk In The Block

Assalamu'alaikum. My clerk of more than 6 years has called it a quit, well sorry I'm not sorry. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that Allah wouldn't take away anything from us without having a replacement of similar standing, if not better. As of now, I'll take it one step at a time and struggle to make ends met. Like there was one day within last week I even became a clerk myself when everyone else went to court. I happily picked the calls up and took messages, opened the door to accept dispatched letters, while juggling with administration papers and urgent documentations. I mean, I was once one lady show some time back in the year 2005 when I first set up my own practice with dear husband. Been there done that. You can't break me for leaving, girl! 

And when one of the assistants came back to office, I asked him to help me to repair the long since broken bookshelf, which he was so damn sure it couldn't be fixed. Little that he knew I wouldn't take no for an answer. Not without fighting in smiles, though. And when it was finally restored, he was beaming ear to ear in sheer disbelief. Well, he wasn't the first one I encountered similar reaction, so what's new? 

I wish I had taken some pictures of the rotten shelf beforehand, but it's ok.. Enough to say that it had emerged from thrift to decent. Now I'm so happy with the sight that greets me whenever I approach my office. In case you can't tell which shelf I've been talking about, it's the white one in the middle with 3 racks of mostly pink files. 

Shoutout to the new clerk in the block! 

~ Nai at Tak Pe Je.


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