Nun Jauh Di Lautan : Phuket & Bali
Assalamu'alaikum. Bila aku aku kata aku lebih suka Phuket daripada Bali, sebenarnya lebih kepada laut, pantai dan apa yang ada kat bawah laut sana. Contohnya, kalu kita pergi cruise dan berhenti kat tengah2 laut.. Mesti nak berendam dalam laut paling2 busuk pon, kan? Tak pon, snorkeling sambil bergantung pada talian hayat kat kapal tu sekuat jiwa raga, kalu kita tak pandai berenang (macam haku neh). Masa tu la kita bleh nikmati keindahan dunia di bawah laut. Maksudnya, kita nampak ikan macam2 jenis, macam2 warna. Indah nian panorama, weh... Ok, meh kita tengok gambar aku bergeli2an dengan cik dan encik ikan dalam cruise kat Phuket:
When I said I prefer Phuket to Bali, I actually referred more to the ocean, the beach and what lies beneath. Like, if we board a cruise and stop in the middle of the ocean, we surely wanna at least slip into the water, right? Or otherwise try the snorkeling while holding the rope ever so tightly should we don't know how to swim (like me). Then only we can see the beauty of the underwater world. Meaning to say, we'd be able to see different kinds and colors of fish. What a magnificent view! Ok, let's see a picture of me having fun with the fish in a Phuket cruise:

Sebab aku punya expectation dah macam gitu, bila aku masuk tengok pemandangan ikan2 macam dalam gambar kat bawah ni, tak berapa teruja la korang.. Kira macam "laaaaa... Eh? Biar betul...! Alaaaa... Takkan la..." Haa.. Macam tu la lebih kurang.
Due to such a benchmark, I wasn't as pleased to see any less, as you can see in the following picture. Like, "Err.. Eh? Seriously? It can't be.." Well, more or less.

Tapi satu yg amat ketara, keterampilan cruise di Bali sangat kelihatan mewah dan lebih teratur. Walaupun panoramanya mungkin tak sekebaboom Phuket, tapi kita boleh tabik spring kat pihak pengurusan Bali Hai Cruise yang memeriahkan aktiviti2 laut yang biasanya kita bleh jumpa kat persisiran pantai. Ye la korang, kat tengah2 laut siap ada banana boat, para-sailing dan water slide selain daripada snorkeling. Owh, memang ohsem la idea tu!
Yet again, there's something very apparent with Bali cruise, which stands out to be more luxurious and organized. Even though the scenery might not as panoramic as that of Phuket, we should salute the administrators of Bali Hai Cruise who have gone an extra mile by giving more colors to the activities available off-shore, which we usually find at the beach. I'm talking about banana boat, para-sailing and water slide, apart from snorkeling. That is sure a very awesome idea!
Aku naik water-slide tu, korang. OMG..! Kira macam inspired by Elfira Loy dan katak2 kodok itu la, kaaan? Aku rasa nak tercabut jantung tau tak! Dah pulak gelongsor tu makin lama makin tajam meruncing, makin lama makin laju menolak badanku yang hanya besar pinggang ke bawah ini dan laju dan laju dan laju, sampai aku rasa tak pernah la sepanik tu korang.. Pastu kan, aku terpelanting ke udara dan KEBABOOOSH..! Jatuh dalam air laut yang sejuk gila babas di bawah langit yang membahang. Aku menjerit. Aaaaaaaaaaaa! Walaupun badan kemas dipasang life-jacket, aku masih tercungap2 kelemasan dan sempat la minum air masin yang sejoooook itu barang dua tiga teguk. Huh!
I tried the water-slide. OMG! Let's just say, it was inspired by Alfira Loy and the stunts with frogs and toads. I felt as if I would lose my life, don't you know? Especially when the slide narrowed more sharply and pushed me even faster along the way.. Faster and faster that I never felt so freaking panic. Then I was thrown into the air and went right into the cold sea under the heated heaven. I screamed so loud, really. Even though I was wearing a life-jacket, I was still drowning and even got to swallow a few gulps of the salty water. Huh! y
Aku terdengar suara yg sangat familiar tengah gelak besar macam kena sampuk. Cesss, bedebassss! Mamat tu memang! Tapi dia dah standby siap2 kat bawah, cepat2 sambar tangan aku dan sampaikan aku kepada talian hayat yang bergantungan di sekeliling kapal. Masa tu la aku dengar suara anak aku panggil, Mummmy... Ok tak? Kenapa minum air laut? Hihihi.. Menci la haku! Dia siap bleh tukar posisi kepada meniarap kepala kat depan masa dlm slide tu, korang.. Terjun dgn tangan meluncur macam terbang keluar dari slide & terus menjunam ke dalam air. Pergh...! Sebab malu kat dia la kuteruskan perjuangan itu walaupun sampai hari ni aku masih bleh dapat mimpi ngeri bila teringat!
Then I heard a very familiar voice laughing ever so hard. Yeah, so very him! But then, he was already around, waiting for me and grabbed me to the existing rope for my safety. Right there and then I heard my son's asking, "Mummy.. Are you okay? Why did you drink the salty water?" Hihihih. What a shame! He even changed his position in the water-slide and went out of it with head and hands reaching out to the skies and jumped right into the water. Wow! I felt ashamed of myself looking at his bravery and hence, the infamous landing.. And I still have nightmare each time I think of it!
Heheheh. Tapi kan, bila dah berjaya buat tu.. Aku rasa bangga gak seposen dua kat diri sendiri. Takpe je kan?
Hehehehe. But then again, once I somehow did it, I felt quite proud of myself. It's Just Okay, right?
- Posted using BlogPress by Nai at Tak Pe Je
When I said I prefer Phuket to Bali, I actually referred more to the ocean, the beach and what lies beneath. Like, if we board a cruise and stop in the middle of the ocean, we surely wanna at least slip into the water, right? Or otherwise try the snorkeling while holding the rope ever so tightly should we don't know how to swim (like me). Then only we can see the beauty of the underwater world. Meaning to say, we'd be able to see different kinds and colors of fish. What a magnificent view! Ok, let's see a picture of me having fun with the fish in a Phuket cruise:
Sebab aku punya expectation dah macam gitu, bila aku masuk tengok pemandangan ikan2 macam dalam gambar kat bawah ni, tak berapa teruja la korang.. Kira macam "laaaaa... Eh? Biar betul...! Alaaaa... Takkan la..." Haa.. Macam tu la lebih kurang.
Due to such a benchmark, I wasn't as pleased to see any less, as you can see in the following picture. Like, "Err.. Eh? Seriously? It can't be.." Well, more or less.
Tapi satu yg amat ketara, keterampilan cruise di Bali sangat kelihatan mewah dan lebih teratur. Walaupun panoramanya mungkin tak sekebaboom Phuket, tapi kita boleh tabik spring kat pihak pengurusan Bali Hai Cruise yang memeriahkan aktiviti2 laut yang biasanya kita bleh jumpa kat persisiran pantai. Ye la korang, kat tengah2 laut siap ada banana boat, para-sailing dan water slide selain daripada snorkeling. Owh, memang ohsem la idea tu!
Yet again, there's something very apparent with Bali cruise, which stands out to be more luxurious and organized. Even though the scenery might not as panoramic as that of Phuket, we should salute the administrators of Bali Hai Cruise who have gone an extra mile by giving more colors to the activities available off-shore, which we usually find at the beach. I'm talking about banana boat, para-sailing and water slide, apart from snorkeling. That is sure a very awesome idea!
Aku naik water-slide tu, korang. OMG..! Kira macam inspired by Elfira Loy dan katak2 kodok itu la, kaaan? Aku rasa nak tercabut jantung tau tak! Dah pulak gelongsor tu makin lama makin tajam meruncing, makin lama makin laju menolak badanku yang hanya besar pinggang ke bawah ini dan laju dan laju dan laju, sampai aku rasa tak pernah la sepanik tu korang.. Pastu kan, aku terpelanting ke udara dan KEBABOOOSH..! Jatuh dalam air laut yang sejuk gila babas di bawah langit yang membahang. Aku menjerit. Aaaaaaaaaaaa! Walaupun badan kemas dipasang life-jacket, aku masih tercungap2 kelemasan dan sempat la minum air masin yang sejoooook itu barang dua tiga teguk. Huh!
I tried the water-slide. OMG! Let's just say, it was inspired by Alfira Loy and the stunts with frogs and toads. I felt as if I would lose my life, don't you know? Especially when the slide narrowed more sharply and pushed me even faster along the way.. Faster and faster that I never felt so freaking panic. Then I was thrown into the air and went right into the cold sea under the heated heaven. I screamed so loud, really. Even though I was wearing a life-jacket, I was still drowning and even got to swallow a few gulps of the salty water. Huh! y
Aku terdengar suara yg sangat familiar tengah gelak besar macam kena sampuk. Cesss, bedebassss! Mamat tu memang! Tapi dia dah standby siap2 kat bawah, cepat2 sambar tangan aku dan sampaikan aku kepada talian hayat yang bergantungan di sekeliling kapal. Masa tu la aku dengar suara anak aku panggil, Mummmy... Ok tak? Kenapa minum air laut? Hihihi.. Menci la haku! Dia siap bleh tukar posisi kepada meniarap kepala kat depan masa dlm slide tu, korang.. Terjun dgn tangan meluncur macam terbang keluar dari slide & terus menjunam ke dalam air. Pergh...! Sebab malu kat dia la kuteruskan perjuangan itu walaupun sampai hari ni aku masih bleh dapat mimpi ngeri bila teringat!
Then I heard a very familiar voice laughing ever so hard. Yeah, so very him! But then, he was already around, waiting for me and grabbed me to the existing rope for my safety. Right there and then I heard my son's asking, "Mummy.. Are you okay? Why did you drink the salty water?" Hihihih. What a shame! He even changed his position in the water-slide and went out of it with head and hands reaching out to the skies and jumped right into the water. Wow! I felt ashamed of myself looking at his bravery and hence, the infamous landing.. And I still have nightmare each time I think of it!
Heheheh. Tapi kan, bila dah berjaya buat tu.. Aku rasa bangga gak seposen dua kat diri sendiri. Takpe je kan?
Hehehehe. But then again, once I somehow did it, I felt quite proud of myself. It's Just Okay, right?
- Posted using BlogPress by Nai at Tak Pe Je much fun!
ReplyDeletebilalah ai nk sampai bali niii........
Bila2 boleh, dear.. Amik tiket awal, murah.. Now Everyone Can Fly. MAS pon murah kalu amik awal.. Save on bagasi dan kgs.
Deletebez nya bleh ilang stress tu...
Deletesedap tak air masin tuh?
ReplyDeleteAda cili potong sedap sket..