Casual Sunday - OOTD Post

Assalamu'alaikum. Forgive me for the silence, been quite busy running from one end to another, that is. Here's however a very quick entry that is somewhat self-explanatory, considering such a bold title to begin with. 
Yeah, that's how I've been wearing jeans lately - with fishtail blouse. Worked just fine, eh? That's it for now, thanks for dropping by. Till then, Assalamu'alaikum.

- Posted With Loads of Love By Nai at Tak Pe Je.


  1. Replies
    1. Waaaah.. krna melanja neh... tq3x hehehe. Sebbaek posa arinim kalu tak dah riak neh..

    2. Waaaah.. krna melanja neh... tq3x hehehe. Sebbaek posa arinim kalu tak dah riak neh..

    3. Waaaah.. krna melanja neh... tq3x hehehe. Sebbaek posa arinim kalu tak dah riak neh..

    4. sama la kita puasa gak huhuhu...sblm syawal mengundur diri ^___^

  2. suka la fishtail blouse & shawl tu..sis mmg style !!

    1. Thanks a bunch, dear! I siap order lagi 3 kaler fishtail yg serupa..


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