When Mommy Wears Laced Baju Kurung

Assalamu'alaikum. The fact that I have grown fonder of laced baju kurungs shows how aged I've become, now haven't I? ^_^ At least that's how I take it. In fact I'm planning to get a few more pieces throughout this year. What a plan! Won't be much of a pleasant thing for storage coordination, but of course. We'll see how it goes, though. Here's me clad in golden brown laced modern kurung at Jovianina's wedding reception in the Shangri-la, KL:

And come to think of it, I guess it would be nice to go to Bandung or Jakarta again some time, so that I could get my eyes rock and roll roaming the houses of lace there! Meanwhile, let's just keep living in good faith, shall we? ;) 

Thanks anyway for dropping by. Take care, dearest! Assalamu'alaikum.

- Nai at Tak Pe Je.


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