Umrah : Abaya Edition

Assalamu’alaikum. Some of us prefer to wear abayas throughout umrah, can’t blame them at all, really. The least we could say is that, it would be much easier to move around and about, while layering with the comfiest undergarments possible. And who said abayas must strictly be black, not other colours? Forget about travel or packing light ladies, this is umrah we’re talking about, not some backpacking travels around Europe or something. 

Because we’re going to wear tons of layers top to bottom, left right centre to cover our aurah, especially those who belong to mazhab Shafi’e like most South East Asians are. That would make us sweat a lot, unless we don’t make any move at all and stay put in the masjid 24/7, which is unlikely. Yes you can pack as little as possible, provided that you’re going to shop there for new abayas or alternatively investing in professional laundry service every other day. If the answer is in the negative, then be prepared to equip yourself with one piece of abaya for 2 days’ usage at the very least, so let’s safely say 5 pieces for 12 days? Then you’ll have ample time to hand wash and let it dry in between. 

If your country’s currency exchange is favourable and you have extra budget to spend, Haramain are the best place to accumulate some beautiful abayas. But if you’re in a much lesser budget, it would be better to bring sufficient ones from home and just get 2 or 3 new ones for the memory, you know. 

I bought mostly for others this time around, sharing the happiness with the loved ones and took home 3 new ones for myself. And of course, I didn’t pack light at all, mind you! I brought along 1 hand luggage and 2 checked-in bags, which in the end were used to pack all things belonged to my father-in-law and husband (from kurma, souvenirs, kurtas, abayas, you name it). I knew already what it would be like travelling to Haramain with male acquaintances, to say the least. They always think that they’re not going to buy anything and forever insisting to travel light. But oh well, I knew better not to fall into such a mouse trap AGAIN this time. And yep, I was damn right! 

This girl played it cool all the way, not flinching a second or two when I was told not to bring 3 bags. No point to get annoyed or even bothered to explain, just play dumb maybe a bit, if not slight arrogance, all for good reasons. And in the end, I could smile brightly and said, “that’s what all those 3 bags meant in the first place!”. The world just made sense again, by itself.

That’s why you should marry a wise lady! 😂 

Wise enough not to jump or yell just to get her way, or points across. That’s not cool at all, okay? So keep it calm, real and less drama. 
Until the next one, Assalamu’alaikum.


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