Solat Friendly Attires

Assalamu'alaikum. Dearest, hope you enjoy your weekend so far. It's been raining here in my place, which is awesome for the worsening haze. Alhamdulillah. Now that the rain has poured in, let's pray hard for the good news on our missing MH370, shall we?
Anyways, today I just wanna quickly write about my non-preference of designated praying attires (telekung) so to speak. Not that I don't wear telekung at all, don't get me wrong. It's just that I find it much easier to pray without it, especially when I'm on the go. Plus, my kinda work requires a lot of outdoor appointments and travelings. Hence, the lesser things I bring the better. That has extended to vacations as well somehow.

I started not to bring any telekung during vacations about 7 years ago when I went to Beijing for a week. It was by accident actually, when I had forgotten to pack one. I remember using a sarong pinned to a bonnet to creatively replace a telekung the first day there. Then I just opted for my long sleeve shirts and skirts and socks and of course, hijabs. The rest was history, apparently.

As of now, I'm so comfortable with my solat friendly attires from head to toe and I sometimes do bring along extra socks and hand covers for unexpected situations. But that depends very much on how bulky my handbag already is, if you know what I mean. This has brought me to what Dr. Muhaya used to say about solat friendly attires, especially her collection of instant hijabs with chin coverage. I however don't wear much of instant hijabs but that is somewhat resolved by my wide and/or long shawls that can be wrapped nicely for the neccesary coverage.

There you go. In the end, it's all coming back to our intentions. It's about we want to observe our solat or throw excuses not to, about we want to cover our auraah or not-just-yet to. Most importantly, let's spread love and not hatred. We won't help others by being judgmental and dismissive, don't you think? Live an examplary life and inspire others, that will be more like it..!

That's all for now. Thanks for dropping by. Catch you later! Assalamu'alaikum.

- Nai at Tak Pe Je.


  1. lagi senang kan? berpakaian "muslimah" n extra stokin settle! takyah bawak telekung, kadang2 telekung yg disediakan kt musolah agak berbau -_-''

    1. Yesszzaa... Even sejadah pon kdg2 tak lalu nak sujud tanpa dilapik...

  2. Just found your blog when I was googling for muslimah formal attire.. Love reading it.. I really dig your taste in fashion. I'm not very good in fashion, so ur blog inspire me.. But an error occured when i'm trying to follow you.. *sigh*

    1. Askm. Thanks for your interest in this humble blog of mine. Not sure why the error occured but really hope you have by now found a way to ratify it somehow. Take care..!


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