I’ve Gotta Move Like Jagger

Assalamu’alaikum. Another long weekend with Monday a public holiday and again I didn’t even leave the Federal Territory. This time I really took my sweetest time to sit back, relax, sleep and repeat. But not for long, because I felt like throwing up all of the sudden after zuhur to repeat the hibernation zone. So I got my ass up and finish a few outstanding cause papers for inheritance related file, right from a Faraid application with its supporting affidavit and a few other matters. I guess I’m lousy at doing absolutely nothing, might as well bury my face playing games or anything at all, which makes my brain move like Jagger. 

Anyways, Friday was too hectic recently, when my first proper meal of the day turned out to be at 6pm, no joke! That’s also because I happened to have a glimpse of a Starbucks right before my eyes, like “hey, belum makan la!”. 

This girl is crazy and has become crazier as she’s approaching 5 series. Well, we should be working as if we were going to live forever and performing ibadah as if we were going to die tomorrow, right? It’s not that I’ve become insane to forget eating altogether, my morning began with some protein shake that kept me full until lunch, so don’t jump into conclusions, okay? 

That’s just me taking photo to avoid running miserably not knowing where the heck that I parked. Better safe than sorry, right?

Okay guys, it’s only 11pm and the night is still too young. Hope you’re having fun and thanks for reading. See you in the next one, Assalamu’alaikum.

~ Nai @ Tak Pe Je.



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