Penang’s Most Wanted Biscuits

Assalamu’alaikum. Evergreen doesn’t seem to do justice if we were to describe ‘Tambun series’ by Ban Heang, just like the Nyonya Egg and Pineapple Tarts in Melaka. Pure and miraculously authentic, to say the least, you can’t help falling in love and craving for more. That’s how and what consistency means in food and beverage industry, which creates legacy from earlier generation to the next to come. 

Mom really loves this biscuit, that she would be thrilled with the idea of I’m going off to Penang, each and every single time. There’s an outlet in Penang International Airport from which I usually bought souvenirs for mom, a few boxes that would last some time. But last Christmas holiday I traveled by road that I made a detour to get the stocks at a physical store nearby Hameediyah Restaurant, located in Lebuh Campbell, Georgetown, while my partner lining up to get a table. That’s what we call by killing two birds with a stone! 

We can also order at Shopee nowadays, if the craving gets too disturbing. Like my staff’s father puts it, “Mak ayah je takde jual kat Shopee!”. But wait, we might as well get to buy parents at Shopee later on, who knows? 🤭 

Anyways, little that I know people used to bake Tambun biscuits at home, now come to think of it, why not? The same with those legendary egg tarts, bodohnya la aku ni pun! I was informed by a much senior friend (whom I regard as a sifu) that his aunt loved to make tambun biscuits, which he enjoyed since childhood. Knowing that he shared the same tastebud with us, I made a point of sending a few packs that I still had before he went for umrah early December recently. 

Talking about home-made thingy, we used to have a neighbour back in Terengganu whose egg tarts could haunt you for life, trust me! Makcik has long since gone but her legacy is here to stay, now that her son continues the family business. My brothers would always drop by the old neighbour’s house to wrap generous boxes of egg tarts so dear to our hearts each time they head to Terengganu. Terbaik dari ladang! 

Ok guys, that’s all for now. Thanks a bunch for reading, catch you in the next one. Assalamu’alaikum.

~ Nai at Tak Pe Je ~ 


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